Well yes, it’s late; the waiter’s stacking the chairs But, never the less, just wait, I don’t think he really cares And if we leave now I’ll be kicking myself all week because we get so few chances to talk just like this And I would regret just saying: “See you,” because this is something that I really miss So I aim to detain you for as long as I dare You just don’t get it at all, do you? Boo Boo! The reason I call is that I still love you Your eyes are glistening as you fill my glass to the brim And though I despise listening to you talk about him Seeing you being with that man is much better than not seeing you at all And you can’t leave Not when we’ve been having such a ball You just don’t understand, do you? Boo Boo! That tonight was all planned because I still love you You just don’t get it at all, do you? Boo Boo! The reason I call is that I still love you