The following morning. Confused by the happenings of last night he seeks advice at the church nearby. The priest now reveals to him is true nature. One thousand and one moon ago In darkest age of yore Man praid to ancient gods And lived by secret lore One ancestor of thine Whose blood runs in thy vein Who travelled all the seas Was said to be insane So in one fateful night When clouds did hang the moon He crossed the river Nile And settled our doom In the strange realms of Arabia He fell to gem and gold And in his greed he cursed ye all By a spell of old Temples were made Built by thousand hands And evil did create Gold from the desert sands Gem on Gold Stone on Bone ...And all did pray to great KUTULU! One thousand and one moon ago In darkest age of yore Man praid to the ancient gods And lived by secret lore Grand evil was invoked Just one word can describe "Kutulu" was the bane That rode the winds of night Great riches he did bring To those that served his deed But death and doom was cast On folk not of his seed All women have been stained Filled with his black cum His malice runs in thee Be cursed Kutulu's son!