Whoa, You sold me out All the words you can't erase Are written on your face. If you could would you replace? Or let them go to waste? You said to trust me I tried it once You, You sold me out You, you sold me out I feel that all that I've earned, All the lessons I've learned, I'm seeing in slow motion. Before my tables could turn, All my s you burned. Fuck you, your common scum and Whoa, You sold me out Whoa, You Sold me out You got the best of me, Or I'd lead you to believe. Now I'm coming back to say I never went away You, You sold me out You, you sold me out I feel that all that I've earned, All the lessons I've learned, I'm seeing in slow motion. Before my tables could turn, All my s you burned. Fuck you, your common scum and Whoa, You sold me out Whoa, You Sold me out You tried to fuck me once again But I'll make sure you get yours in the end You said to trust me, I tried it once Whoa, You sold me out Whoa, You Sold me out I feel that all that I've earned, All the lessons I've learned, You sold me out Before my tables could turn, All my s you burned. You sold me out You can't fuck with me, I'm leaving You Sold me out You can't fuck with me, I'm leaving You Sold me out