Fellas? Yeah! Hit Me! Are we ready? I do believe we are ready What time is it? Yount! It's killing time, Morris! I know that's right, 'cause I am the latest fashion (Go Morris, Go Morris, Go Morris, Go Morris, Go Morris, Go Morris, Go Morris, Yount, Go Morris, Go Morris, Go Morris, Go Morris, Go Morris, Go Morris, Go Morris, Go Morris) I know I said I loved you I know I said I needed you I know I said that I'd be here always But I what I didn't tell you is that This year the latest fashion is to lie in the heat of passion This year the latest fashion is to lie in the heat of passion People tell us what we want to hear This time the tables are turned This time we're the ones that's painting fires Instead of getting burned (yount) This year the latest fashion is to lie in the heat of passion This year the latest fashion is to lie in the heat of passion (Go Morris, go Morris, go Morris, go Morris, go Morris) Jellybean, (Go Morris) don't be so mean, (Go Morris) Cowboy, you're fired Jam Jimmy Jam Jimmy Jam Jimmy Jam Jimmy Jam Jimmy Jam Jimmy Jam Jimmy Jam People tell me what I want to hear This time the tables are turned Jerome, body language (Go Morris) Now do the horse (yeah) Oak Tree! (look out) I like that, Oak Tree! Get ready, Chili sauce! This year the latest fashion is to lie in the heat of passion Fellas? (yeah) hit me, but don't ya lag Tell me what dance to do It starts with an M (Murph Drag) I ain't through yet, band What, hallelujah, whoa whoa whoa whoa Everybody want to tell me how to play the game When I run it better than a madame runs dames Trying to beat me like playing pool with a rope My funk will leave ya dead cause it's good and plenty dope All in all I'm still the king and all y'all the court If you thinking about ruling me ya better get abortions, yes It's jacked, cause I'm back, and I'm harder than a heart attack And I'm the cure for any disease cause there ain't nobody funky like me (Go Morris go Morris go Morris) Don't be a fool (Go Morris, go Morris, go Morris) This year the latest fashion is to lie in the heat of passion The latest fashion (4x)