Girls, beware of the bandit From Westchester County I can't offer you no reward All he left me was a broken heart He kidnapped me excitingly Then he robbed me off my dignity And when enough of his time was spent He left me wanting more Sha, la, la, la He left me wanting more Sha, la, la Be careful, my sisters He's armed with an innocent smile And a dangerous love record That can stretched for miles and miles Hey, girls... you ought to take a hint 'Cause he won't leave no fingerprints And when he gets his hands on you He'll have you wanting more Sha, la, la He'll have wanting more Sha, la, la For your female information You might be in the same situation He might be sitting right next to you Westchester County is right there, too Hey, girls... I got a confession to make If they put that bandit in jail I'm gonna jump right in his cell There's something about his Oh-oh-oh-ooh... yeah There's something about his Sha, la, la, la la-ah The way he makes me groove, oo-oo-ooh, ooh There's something about his