If you've ever lived in a ghetto
It may be at the close of your day
On your front porch you hear the sound of a jukebox
From a neighborhood café

At noon you may hear neighbors cussing
When a kid breaks a window pane, yeah
At night, at night, at night, ooh, you may be wakened
By the sound of an outbound train

Outsiders they refuse to help us, yes they do
And they down us for living the way we do, mmh
But when you're born the child, the child of a poor man, ooh
They say the ghetto is the only place for you

But if there's such thing as hereafter
And I'm satisfied, satisfied oh, that there will be, ooh
When they build, when they build, when they build New Jerusalem
There won't be no more ghetto, ghetto for me, no there won't
There won't be no more ghetto, ghetto for me, believe what I said one more time, listen
There won't be (never, never, never) no more ghetto, ghetto for me, mmm hmm