In the kitchen of the party I was sitting on your coat Your finished sentences for me Among all the things that you quote If you're feeling , I'll guide you outside Where the star of the sea YEAH! If you really cried than I'll take you outside Where the star of the sea were blinking at us Your on the door And the click of the light And you're here to have a good time Your car and your rent And your money's been spent And you're here to have a good time Ever so Ever so Ever so nice Never Ever Ever Ever Ever house the On the bathroom of the party You were holding on the cue And we your and call for you It was something in the On the pocket of your coat And if you're feeling down Than I'll take you outside Where the star of the sea were blinking at us Your pressuring down In the click of an line And you're here to have a good time Your rent was spent And you money is gone then You're here to have a good time If you hang around bitchin in the kitchen You're not gonna have a good time If you hang around bitchin in the kitchen You're not gonna have a good time One more time We can riot We can turn all the We have secrets behind our smile But tonight, yeah tonight you're all mine Say you´re riot Cause you're cought in the line I'll take you back on my back Take you back to my home