Everybody on your knees "It's God" say the "Polynesse" They worship me mistakenly I say "Tiki, who was he?" Trader Vic at Hinky Dink's He liked sex and he liked to drink Built a temple to have fun Huri Popo everyone Aku-Aku, Mai-tai Tonight's the night it'll be just fine Gombay Smash or Kapu-Kai Can't be bothered by the 9 to 5 Gotta get down at the coconut lounge tonight Island people are a generous bunch Offering drinks and buffet lunch No missionary could ever see Their downfall in Tahiti Could this be paradise? Hula skirts are really nice Sweet and fruity drinks with ice If I die this would suffice Aku-Aku, Mai-tai Tonight's the night it'll be just fine Gombay Smash or Kapu-Kai Can't be bothered by the 9 to 5 Come on I wuna lei ya at the coconut lounge tonight Aku-Aku, Mai-tai Tonight's the night it'll be just fine Gotta get down at the coconut lounge tonight Aku-Aku, Mai-tai Tonight's the night it'll be just fine Gombay Smash or Kapu-Kai Can't be bothered by the 9 to 5 Gotta get down at the coconut lounge tonight