I was pretty, you were clever You helped me out in my endeavours Down die river late in September We told jokes I can't remember Deeper men with truer vision Never knew what they'd been missing 'Ehe rwer's full but not for fishing Ihe wish comes true but not through wishing Up in die hills you trickled slyly 'through die grass a flash ofsilver Just let me do all the talking Together we'll pull it 0ff Sing me a worksong, water baby Sing your heart out through the city Wider boys with bottles shiny Sailed away down to die briney Zip up those pants, there's someone coming Pull on your vest and over die side One more rain will flood the cellars Under the car parks in die dark I sat in a bar at night, right at river level And watched die black swollen river in fiill flood Great broken trees spin slowly, just feet away from me On die other side of die plate glass