A hologram of a naked man's eyes batters round the room Fix you in their sites, proof of existence A giant stirs to swat a fly that's lost its best defense Insignificance Damned if you do, Damned if you don't Don't drink that coke, It's really bad for you A word slips out in Dallas in 1963 Spawns an industry - Conspiracy Initials ten feet tall just reenforce and underline Insignificance If they can kill, what would they do to me Stumbling into their attention Walk into the shadows - dim concealment Down in the valley, the rich and the powerful Blood runs down the blood hole Here's the burden, here's the proof It's disappearing A giant stirs the whirlpool as it closes on the truth Insignificant, insignificance You have the right to lie awake at night Don't think that I am paranoid enough Walk into the shadows- insignificance, insignificance Well the future is empty as a dead girls eyes Eve Future staring into clear blue skies She takes a lick from the carrot on the stick History says, there's always got to be a fall guy Another white belly up Another name to forget We've been to Memphis Now let's see what we've got left I will be a civil servant You can be the bad cop now False dawn on the horizon The whole thing smells, but she can't even tell Here's the good news, here's the bad To feel no guilt, to hold no Like a night in chess with tunnel vision Wanting history to ..... the blame We been talking underwater Down in the valley, gasping for breath Eve future, she lives in the future She's in a wheelchair, she don't really careDown in the valley - the rich and the powerful