I obey I am myself Freedom PowerAuthority Obidience and discipline, neighbours curtains twitching TV station watching you, every little thing you do. I want to be ... I want to be ... I represent commodity fax me in the morning Honey, administrate authority. Desire and freedom. What I am. Fully controlled a simulacrum Nerve gas clouds, too smart by half. Free my ass Her surrender is her guarantee she loves to know she can't be free every wish is like a debt how strange her debt is infinite Industry culture land where we live and obey commands it's very sad I'm afraid the goose that laid the golden egg is dead Watch me express myself in the peak of fitness and health in bondage I'm really free these chains are really me I am beautiful like a dream very authentic so it seems I never cry nor ever smile faking orgasms all the while Feelings so warm and soaked with joy the truth of Art, oh boy oh boy penetrate and make me real never think only feel I obey I am myself Freedom Power Authority