So you thought I was drunk. You thought it was just a stupid joke. But in fact this is very serious. I've nothing to regret. Ihe primrose curtains began to hurt my eyes. ihe double glazing and central heating just started me sneezing. The leaf5r avenue, Volvo parked outside, the sound ofcrunching gravel - it all made me very tired. I burnt the toast this morning. My daughter was a punk... she didn't seem to mmd. I was sick of songs about travel and making love in the sand. Slavery, imperialism, capitalism, unemployment, oh how ugly I am, but virtuous, my surgeon's knife is slipping. I'd rather be in die ocean, floating like a log. My heart is cold. I fee! so ashamed when people ask me what I do. lt's humiliating. I'm alright. I appropriate infinitely but I am without investment, an unusable inessential asset. Under the throne I am the victim of thy might. I am gone with the wind. Pity the madmen ofpoor humankind - without knowledge, raving ofglory, like me. The garlands I bind are but gathered and strewn in the wind.