ooo- 50 altered states
slouched into the couch
been staying up too late
ooo- I like to complain
yea, I like to complain
this television's boring
holes into my brain

bad bad tan lines will tell
who's back from hell
bad tan tan lines will tell
who's back from hell

ooo- united altered states
poured onto the floor
been waking up too late
ooo- I like to deny
yea, I like to disguise
the underground is boring
tunnels through my eyes

bad bad tan lines will tell
who's back from hell
bad tan tan lines will tell
who's back from hell
bad tan line lines will tell
who's back from hell
bad headband tans will tell
who's back from

5 Mississippi
every tooth
back and forth
they crowd in my head
grin when I'm dead
out. slide.
you escape

oo- oo- Divided altered states
binge into the fridge
oo- oo- 50 altered states
all like to complain

bad bad tan lines will tell
who's back from hell
bad tan tan lines will tell
who's back from hell
bad tan line lines will tell
who's back from hell
bad two-piece tans will tell
who's back from hell
bad G-string tans will tell
who's back from hell
bad fake bake tans will tell
who's packed for...

back for hell
back for hell
black ink 13's
back from hell