Race, race, race and pivot I could do that with a Honda Civic Where do you belong, Chase, chase, chase the girl I could get her with a string of pearls Where do you go, maybe Tokyo He's got the money To buy the blue car He just needs a ride To the dealership 1996 I can see my fiancee In the passenger side I got a bad suspicion They're planning a Florida trip. One, two, three kids The handsome one's in showbiz I've always been sort of a hotshot From the floor Place, place, place your bets Better watch your mouth I could break your neck I'll race the nation toward Celebration There's a confrontation At the Wonderbread warehouse downtown Security cameras are mounted on the gate 1998 Three shots in the windshield Four in the passenger side Now there's mass confusion Clogging up the interstate Race, race, race and pivot I could do that with a Honda Civic