The living word that Mordechai heard
 That rang loud inside his head
 Wasn't loud enough to stop the bomb

 With repression ringing out again
 From South Africa to the shores of this land
 That wouldn't stop resistance holding on

 Mordechai Vanunu
 Said "Israel, don't drop the bomb"
 Mordechai Israel

 Mordechai Vanunu
 Keep your resistance strong
 Mordechai Israel

 Nuclear research station underground
 The written word that Mordechai found
 All printed out in black and white

 With enough Plutonium to build the bomb
 And statements to the contrary not withdrawn
 Mordechai took it to the world outside

 Mordechai Vanunu
 Had his picture printed by the press
 And his story told outloud

 Mordechai Vanunu
 Was exiled in a world of emptiness
 Because he told the truth outloud

 In England streets of London town
 Mordechai went underground
 Over fear of threats upon his life

 He met a girl called Cindy on the streets of Soho
 Seemed so sympathetic, he broke down, let it go
 Then he flew with her to Rome

 Mordechai Mordechai
 Wasn't alone when he discovered that
 Cindy worked for the government

 Mordechai Mordechai
 Was chained up and attacked
 By agents of his government

 He woke up on a boat
 All shot up with dope
 Missing, presumed dead, living just inside his head

 Until he turned up in Tel Aviv
 On matters of state security
 In the back of a police van
 But he had a message written on the palm of his hand

 And it said
 Vanunu, Mordechai
 Kidnapped from Italy 30-9-86
 On flight A504

 Mordechai Vanunu
 Wore a special helmet when he next appeared in court
 Just in case he tried to talk

 The living word that Mordechai heard
 The living word that Mordechai heard
 That rang loud inside his head
 Wasn't loud enough

 He's in a cell three metres wide
 TV cameras on all sides
 24 hours of electric light
 Nowhere left to hide
 Don't give up the fight
 Don't give up the fight

 Mordechai Vanunu
 Said "Israel, don't drop the bomb"
 Mordechai Israel

 Mordechai Vanunu
 Keep your resistance strong
 Mordechai Israel