bomb heaven said the bishop you just turn left bomb heaven said the earth as the missiles went bomb heaven said thepresident i'll show you who's boss i'll catch the messiah and put him on a cross HAVE YOU EVER SEEN AN ANGEL WITH BURNING WINGS? WITH A BLEEDING FEET THE TOWERS DID FALL AND THE FOUNTAINS TURNED RED IT WASN'T TOO LONG BEFORE GOD WAS DEAD AND THE PEOPLE CRIED WHAT A TRIUMPHANT DAY ARMED AGGRESION WILL ALWAYS PAY WE CAN'T HAVE THIS GOD SPREADING GOODNESS AND LIGHT BECAUSE I'M QUITE INTO THE SINFUL LIFE bomb heaven said the bishop you just turn left bomb heaven said the earth as the missiles went bomb heaven said thepresident i'll show you who's boss i'll catch the messiah and put him on a cross AND THE BISHOP'S FACE TURNED A SHOCKING PINK WHAT ABOUT MY SHARES IN RIO TINTO ZINC THE ONLY WAY TO SAVE MY BANK ACCOUNT IS TO BURN HEAVEN DOWN TO THE GROUND AND THE PEOPLE CRIED WHERE'S THE L.S.D? THEY MUST BE PUTTING IT IN THE SRA IT'S COMING RIGHT THROUGH MY WATER SUPPLY HEY MAN! I'M TRIPPING SO HIGH bomb heaven said the bishop you just turn left bomb heaven said the earth as the missiles went bomb heaven said thepresident i'll show you who's boss i'll catch the messiah and put him on a cross THE KILLING WAS A FRENZY RECHING FEVER PITCH HEAVEN SOON RESEMBLED A BELSEN DITCH THE BOMBS GOT BIGGER, THE FLAMES GOT HIGHER A MILLION BURNING SOULS ALL DRENCHED IN FIRE AND THE PEOPLE CRIED OH WHAT A SHAME THEY'VE HAD TO CANCEL THIS WEEKS GAME I WISH I COULD KNOW I WISH I COULD TELL WHY WE'RE ALL ON A CID AND GOING TO HELL bomb heaven said the bishop you just turn left bomb heaven said the earth as the missiles went bomb heaven said thepresident i'll show you who's boss i'll catch the messiah and put him on a cross HAVE YOU EVER HEARD AN ANGEL SCREAM????????????