in the beginning since the dawn of man in forest green and in desert sands the yearning of humanity to know that god is a reality is there a heaven is there a hell where angels sing and demons dwell to know all this i used to think was wise but then magoomba opened my eyes magoomba magoomba voodoo god of africa magoomba magoomba magoomba voodoo god of africa magoomba holy holy be his terrible name utter it once and go up in flames adorn his crown with butterflies ayin the sign of the opened eye the words of madness and mystery the very power that he brings to me i rave i rape i rip i rend is everlasting world without end magoomba rides upon the whirlwinds spawn from nature's ancient dream he moves uopn the world of mankind like the siren's scream does he like buddha or jesus christ can he promise you a paradise does he bring light like lucifer bestowing power by the rite of birth the day of cross and trinity is done the twilight of the gods has come it is the morning of magic and mirth magoomba lives upon the earth