Barfy was a fine pet He fetched stick and played dead Every day he'd get fed And he'd bring home the paper for Dad, GOODBYE! But all the neighbors liked Barfy Cause he was good with the kids But at night he'd make a racket Knocking down trash can lids Mother looked in the cupboard And saw that it was bare She went to get the food stamps But there were no food stamps there The family butcher keeps a secret That he will never tell It's about our pet dog Barfy Which he did chop to hell! Pass the refried beans And pass the mashed rice cakes And pass the buttered noodles And don't forget the Barfy steaks Now our problems are leviated We'll never be short a meal We had our dog USDA graded It's right next to the veal We think we'll get another dog But this one will be your bread And make sure all this meat Is tender, lean, and red! Whoa! Barfy buffet You tasted good I say now Barfy buffet Just like a good dog should! You know the pain That's in my heart Just goes to show You're not very smart! Who needs food When you've got a dog (2x) You can eat like a hog! I say now Barfy buffer You tasted good Hello Barfy buffet Just like a young dog should! Play backwards! I say now Barfy buffer You tasted good Barfy buffet Just like a young dog should! Stew or?