Roy Williamson / Trad
General Cope led frae behind to keep his men in order
When the English ran he was in the van and first across 
the border 

The Chevalier being void o' fear did march up Birsle 
Brae, man
Through Tranent ere he did stent as fast as he could 
gae, man
General Cope did taunt and mock wi' many a loud huzza, 
But ere next morn proclaimed the dawn we heard another 
craw, man 

The brave Lochiel, as I heard tell, led Camerons on in 
clouds, man
The morning fair and clear the air, they loose'd wi' 
devilish thuds, man
Doon guns they threw and swords they drew, soon they 
chased them off, man
On Seaton Crafts they buffet their chafts and gar'd 
them run like daft, man 

Now Cadell? dressed in among the rest wi' gun and guid 
claymore, man
A gelding grey he rade that day wi' pistols set before, 
The cause was good, he'd spend his blood before that he 
would yield, man
But the night before he left the core and never faced 
the field, man 

Now Simpson keen to clear his een o' rebels far and 
round, man
Did never strive wi' pistols five but galloped wi' the 
throng, man
On Soutra Hill there he stood still before he tasted 
meat, man
Troth he may brag o' his swift nag that bore him off so 
fleet, man 

The bluff Dragoon swore blood and 'oons they'd mak' the 
rebels run, man
Yet they flee when them they see and winnae fire a gun, 
They turn'd their back, their foot they brak', terror 
seiz'd them a', man
Some wet their cheeks, some filled their breeks and 
some for fear did fa', man