The Boo Radleys akordy a texty písní
- Wake Up Boo!
- Lazarus
- Wilder
- Spun Around
- Song From The Blue Room
- New Brighton Promenade
- Eurostar
- Martin, Doom! It's Seven O'clock
- Jimmy Webb Is God
- Adieu Clo-clo
- The Old Newsstand At Hamilton Square
- What's In The Box
- Comb Your Hair
- Find The Answer Within
- One Last Hurrah
- Best Lose The Fear
- Everything Is Sorrow
- Bullfrog Green
- C'mon Kids
- Reaching Out From Here
- I Hang Suspended
- The Future Is Now
- It's Lulu
- Stuck On Amber
- If You Want It, Take It
- Get On The Bus
- Leaves And Sand
- Wish I Was Skinny
- Ride The Tiger
- Meltin's Worm
- T 4am Conversation
- A Full Syringe and Memories of You
- A Part I Know So Well
- Adieu Clo Clo
- T Adieu Clo-clo
- All Along
- Almost Nearly There
- Alone Together
- Annie & Marnie
- As Bound As Tomorrow
- At The Sound Of Speed
- Atlantic
- T Barney (...and Me)
- Barney (And Me)
- T Best Lose The Fear
- Bloke In A Dress
- T Blue Room In Archway
- Blueroom In Archway
- Blues For George Michael
- Bodenheim Jr
- Boo! Forever
- Buffalo Bill
- T Bullfrog Green
- T Butterfly McQueen
- C' mon Kids
- T C'mon Kids
- C’mon Kids
- Call Your Name
- Catweazle
- T Comb Your Hair
- Cracked Lips, Homesick
- Cracked Lips/Homesick
- Crow Eye
- Crushed
- Does This Hurt
- T Does This Hurt?
- Don't Take Your Gun To Town
- Eleanor Everthing
- T Eurostar
- Everybird
- Everything Falls Away
- T Everything Is Sorrow
- T Fairfax Scene
- Feels Like Tomorrow
- T Find The Answer Within
- Finest Kiss
- Firesky
- Flakes
- T Fortunate Sons
- T Four Saints
- T Free Huey
- Friendship Song
- T From the Bench at Belvidere
- Furthur
- T Get On The Bus
- Happens To Us All
- T Heaven's at the Bottom of This Glass
- Here She Comes Again
- Hi Falutin
- T High as Monkeys
- Hip Clown Rag
- How Was I To Know
- Charles Bukowski Is Dead
- I Can't Be What You Want Me To Be
- I Feel Nothing
- T I Hang Suspended
- I Say a Lot of Things
- I Will Always Ask You Where You've Been Even Though I Know The Answer
- I won't be there with you
- I've Had Enough I'm Out
- T I've Lost the Reason
- T If You Want It, Take It
- In A Galaxy Far, Far Away
- T It's Lulu
- It’s Lulu
- Janus
- T Jimmy Webb Is God
- T Joel
- T Kaleidoscope
- Kalliedoscope
- Keep On With Falling
- T Kingsize
- Last Night I Dreamt Of God
- T Lazarus
- Lazy Day
- Leaves & Sand
- T Leaves And Sand
- Let Me Be Your Faith
- Losing It (Song for Abigail)
- T Martin, Doom! It's Seven O'clock
- Melodies for the Deaf (Colours for the Blind)
- T Meltin's Worm
- Memory Babe
- T Monuments for a Dead Century
- T New Brighton Promenade
- Nothing To Do But Scare Myself
- Now I Know
- Now That's What I Call Obscene
- One Is For
- T One Last Hurrah
- Paradise
- Peachy Keen
- Petroleum
- T Reaching Out From Here
- T Ride The Tiger
- Roadie
- T Rodney King
- Rodney King - Song for Lenny Bruce
- Room at the Top
- T Run My Way Runway
- Safe At Home
- Seeker
- T She Is Everywhere
- T Shelter
- Skyscraper
- Smile Fade Fast
- Song for the Morning to Sing
- T Song From The Blue Room
- Song from the Blueroom
- Spaniard
- Sparrow
- Spion Kop
- T Spun Around
- T Stuck On Amber
- Sunfly II : Walking With The Kings
- Sunfly II: Walking With The Kings
- Superintendent
- Sweet Salad Birth
- T Take the Time Around
- That ain't a way of life
- The Absent Boy
- T The Finest Kiss
- T The Future Is Now
- T The Old Newsstand At Hamilton Square
- The Unconscious
- T The White Noise Revisited
- T Thinking of Ways
- To Beautiful
- Tomorrow
- Tonight
- Tortoiseshell
- Towards the Light
- T Twinside
- T Upon 9th And Fairchild
- Vegas
- Vote You
- Wake Up Boo: Music For Astronauts
- T Wake Up Boo!
- Walking 5th Carnival
- Wallpaper
- T What's In The Box
- What's In The Box?
- What's In The Box? (See Watcha Got)
- What's In the Box? (See Whatcha Got)
- Whiplashed
- T Wilder
- T Wish I Was Skinny
- You and Me
- T Zoom
How Was I To Know
Now That's What I Call Obscene
The Unconscious
Live In 2021
Keep On With Falling
The Best Of The Boo Radleys
Find The Way Out
- 1 Catweazle
- 2 Happens To Us All
- 3 Hip Clown Rag
- 4 Kaleidoscope
- 5 The Finest Kiss
- 6 Everybird
- 7 Lazy Day
- 8 Spaniard
- 9 Does This Hurt
- 10 Sunfly II: Walking With The Kings
- 11 Buffalo Bill
- 12 Lazarus
- 13 Let Me Be Your Faith
- 14 Best Lose The Fear
- 15 I Hang Suspended
- 16 I've Lost the Reason
- 17 Wish I Was Skinny
- 18 Cracked Lips/Homesick
- 19 Barney (...and Me)
- 20 It’s Lulu
- 21 Wake Up Boo: Music For Astronauts
- 22 Blues For George Michael
- 23 Find The Answer Within
- 24 Joel
- 25 Reaching Out From Here
- 26 From the Bench at Belvidere
- 27 Almost Nearly There
- 28 What's In The Box? (See Watcha Got)
- 29 Four Saints
- 30 C’mon Kids
- 31 Ride The Tiger
- 32 Tomorrow
- 33 Blueroom In Archway
- 34 Free Huey
- 35 Kingsize
- 1 Blue Room In Archway
- 2 The Old Newsstand At Hamilton Square
- 3 Free Huey
- 4 Monuments for a Dead Century
- 5 Heaven's at the Bottom of This Glass
- 6 Kingsize
- 7 High as Monkeys
- 8 Eurostar
- 9 Adieu Clo Clo
- 10 Jimmy Webb Is God
- 11 She Is Everywhere
- 12 Comb Your Hair
- 13 Song from the Blueroom
- 14 The Future Is Now
Free Huey
C'Mon Kids
- 1 C'mon Kids
- 2 Meltin's Worm
- 3 Melodies for the Deaf (Colours for the Blind)
- 4 Get On The Bus
- 8 Four Saints
- 9 New Brighton Promenade
- 11 Shelter
- 12 Ride The Tiger
- 13 One Last Hurrah
- 14 Bloke In A Dress
- 15 Flakes
- 16 What's In the Box? (See Whatcha Got)
- 17 Atlantic
- 18 The Absent Boy
- 19 Annie & Marnie
- 20 Spion Kop
- 21 To Beautiful
- 22 Bullfrog Green
- 23 Nothing To Do But Scare Myself
- 24 From the Bench at Belvidere
- 25 Fortunate Sons
- 26 Vote You
- 27 A Part I Know So Well
- 28 Everything Is Sorrow
- 29 Roadie
- 30 Safe At Home
- 31 C' mon Kids
C'Mon Kids
What's In The Box? (See Whatcha Got)
Wake Up!
From The Bench At Belvidere
Find The Answer Within
Wake Up Boo!
Barney (...And Me)
Giant Steps
- 1 I Hang Suspended
- 2 Upon 9th And Fairchild
- 3 Wish I Was Skinny
- 4 Leaves And Sand
- 5 Butterfly McQueen
- 6 Rodney King - Song for Lenny Bruce
- 7 Thinking of Ways
- 8 Barney (...and Me)
- 9 Spun Around
- 10 If You Want It, Take It
- 11 Best Lose The Fear
- 12 Take the Time Around
- 13 Lazarus
- 14 One Is For
- 15 Run My Way Runway
- 16 I've Lost the Reason
- 17 The White Noise Revisited
Wish I Was Skinny
- 1 Wish I Was Skinny
- 2 Peachy Keen
- 3 Furthur
- 4 Crow Eye
I Hang Suspended
Everything's Alright Forever
- 1 Lazy Day
- 2 Vegas
- 3 Feels Like Tomorrow
- 4 Whiplashed
Boo! Forever
At The Sound Of Speed
Ichabod And I