I think I pulled it off, I think I killed my brain
Ejected out in my sleep, I didn't suffer pain
Through years of slow decline and lack of proper care
I'm happy to report my mind's no longer there

Can't pretend that I'll miss it that much
But it was handy for the crosswords and such
All in all I'm a happy lobotomy

I used to contemplate until it hurt my head
I fix a milky drink and put myself to bed
Now I can lie and stare at things for hours on end
Not caring who or what or why or where or when

Can't pretend that I'll miss it that much
But it was handy for the crosswords and such
All in all I'm a happy lobotomy

It's fair to say I've opted out
Forsaken all I cared about
But when a push becomes a shove
I'll sign again for all the above

So if you see me sitting
With my expression frozen
Don't waste your precious pity
This is the path I've chosen
Through years of willful neglect
My old grey matter is wrecked
I can't tell quorn from Quebec
There's nothing north of my neck

Can't pretend that I'll miss it that much
But it was handy for the crosswords and such
All in all I'm a happy lobotomy