New Jersey Turnpike, riding on a wet night. 'neath the refineries' glow, where the great black rivers flow. Liscence, registration. I ain't got none. But I gotta clear conscience, about the things that I've done. Mr. State Trooper, please don't stop me, Please don't stop me, please don't stop me. Maybe you've got a kid Maybe you've got a pretty wife, The only thing that I've got's been botherin' me my whole life Mr. State Trooper, please don't stop me, Please don't stop me, please don't stop me. In the wee, wee hours Oh your mind gets hazy. Radio relay towers, lead me to my baby Radios jammed up, with talk show stations. They just talk, talk , talk, talk till we loose motivation. Mr. State Trooper, please don't stop me, Please don't stop me, please don't stop me. Mr. State Trooper, please don't stop me, Please don't stop me, please, please Mr. State Trooper, please don't stop me, Please don't stop me, please don't stop me.