I don't sing fucking love songs because there's nothing in this world for me to love. I want the world to have my rape baby so when it's born I can strangle it to death. This is not a healthy relationship. When the bomb drops you will spend the last few minutes of your life shitting your pants. Remember how i always told you "I hold your life in my hands"? You stare and pray as you watch them fall. I will make complete fools of you all. I stopped telling her I loved her a long time ago. If you know what's good for you, you won't tell anyone. This is domestic abuse like you've never seen. This is a Lifetime movie on a global scale. "Just tell them you fell down the stairs" So now it's come to this. Take control! It is my job as a human being to let my ignorance take control. It is my job as a human being to run this bitch in the ground. Your mother earth is a dirty slut. When the bombs drop...