It's a gamble of extreme emotion, The psychology of sacrifice, When this love is such a game to you and I. This roulette could put us ten feet under, I suspect the gun is loaded twice. Spin the barrel and embrace the truth and lies, So lay you cards down And show your hand now With passion unbound, Just let your hair down, Step out of that gown And make my heart pound, Yeah, it makes me wonder, If I'm a victim of a loaded dice? Yeah, it makes me wonder, If love will tear us both apart tonight? Yeah, it makes me wonder, If I'm defenceless in the candlelight? Yeah, it makes me wonder, If I could win this game of hearts tonight? Win the battle but the war's not over, For we know this is an endless fight, It's a mystery, it's the poker game of life. Love is piracy that waits to plunder, Got to have you if it takes all night. But you stack the deck against me one more time. So lay you cards down And show your hand now With passion unbound, Just let your hair down, Step out of that gown And make my heart pound, Yeah, it makes me wonder, If I'm a victim of a loaded dice? Yeah, it makes me wonder, If love will tear us both apart tonight? Yeah, it makes me wonder, If I'm defenceless in the candlelight? Yeah, it makes me wonder, If I could win this game of hearts tonight?