Transmission incoming from higher command what are my orders today you want me to eat from a garbage can yes sir, i hear and obey i've been on this mission all my life for zero pay, but thats okay the voice in my head controls me it keeps me from feeling lonely the voice in my head controls me a mission for me and me only one agent alone in your nation my specialty's inflirtation they're coming to capture and hold me the voice in my head just told me undercover in a land of enemy spies i live disguised as a bum primary targer, discovering lies what will their purpose become i've been on this mission all my life for zero pay, but thats okay the voice in my head controls me it keeps me from feeling lonely the voice in my head controls me a mission for me and me only one agent alone in your nation my specialty's inflirtation they're coming to capture and hold me the voice in my head just told me