What if we new beauties see, Will they not stir new affection? I will thinke they pictures be, (Image-like, of saints perfection) Poorely counterfeting thee. But your reasons purest light Bids you leaue such minds to be Who is it that this darke night Well, in absence this will dy; Leaue to see, and leaue to wonder. Absence sure will helpe, if I Can learne how my selfe to sunder But time will these thoughts remoue; Time doth work what no man know. Time doth as the subiect proue; With time still the affection groweth In the faithful turtle-doue. Why, alas, and are you he? Be not yet those fancies changed? Deare, when you find change in me, Well, in absence this will dy; Leaue to see, and leaue to wonder. Absence sure will helpe, if I Can learne how my selfe to sunder Well, in absence this will dy; Leaue to see, and leaue to wonder. Absence sure will helpe, if I Can learne how my selfe to sunder Well, in absence this will dy; Leaue to see, and leaue to wonder. Absence sure will helpe, if I Can learne how my selfe to sunder Well, in absence this will dy; Leaue to see, and leaue to wonder. Absence sure will helpe, if I Can learne how my selfe to sunder