I crowned the same old passing of time Gave the golden sceptre though it was never really mine He made the days all pass me by In such idyllic swiftness, he didn't even try And so it goes, the stillness covers my ears Tenderly, until all sound disappears Now it shows, while wind is swinging the trees Vigorously, well it has stopped to move me I praised the same old spending of time Slept on the whitest beaches in the calmest of nights They held me chained and captive so I Could never join the sea in its ever changing tides If I'm to let it in It might just stay forever If I'm to welcome him We might just stay together The crown remains, it’s always been mine I ought to wear it better, I ought to know it now And so it goes, the stillness covers my ears Tenderly, until all sound disappears Now it shows, while wind is swinging the trees Vigorously, well it has stopped to move me