I know what you're doin the truth's in your eyes
u exist just 2 ruin it's no surprise 
u took a man from his fam'ly, u have no regrets
devil's smile on your face, but no1 4gets 
now you're sayin things that nobody really wants 2 hear 
& when push comes 2 shove who will bow 2 your savior-faire

same old tale, it's like love 4 sale 
& as you're here 2day, u'll be gone 2day 
your love was like the blind leading the blind 
u played him out like a tool, but u didn't mind 
all the treasures you've found were merely fools gold 
& your ass won't easily be kissed when you're gray & old
prima donna gone bad 
& u won't be the last 
& as long as it took 2 get up the fall is much 2 fast 
u got the prize, name in lights full drama queen 
but u haven't earned the regard that u will need 


the truth's in your eyes 
& written throughout your face 
while you're here & gone there's another
who'll take your place


love is blind, baby nevermind 
cuz as you're here 2day u'll be gone 2day