Suspended animation Sensory deprivation Swimming concoction of fond memories Author of my destiny Pacify indignation With sublime intoxication Blessed in this techno-ironic nirvana Cursed by my hope for a safe return These parting words are simple and few Look to the stars and you will find my point of view Life on Earth will be sublime At the end of time Just one moment for hesitation Excommunicating self-imposed Waiting out the world’s death throes These parting words contain no lie It’s anchors away and time to say our last good-bye Life’s a garden overgrown To be tamed alone Suspended animation Temporized calculation Relative stillness yet starlight will burn Abandon hope for a safe return These parting words remain with you Look to the stars and you will find my point of view Life on Earth will be sublime and the end of time Time is an all consuming fire fuelled with desire Burning garden overgrown You remain alone And all that was ever seen hanging like a cloud of gravity I dream of my departing words when I said I’d given up on ever again believing that light lies beyond my sleeping eyes