Countdown initiation sequence the course is set 
All systems functioning in check all preparations 
Have been met brain function at full engagement 
Body locked in vigilance awaiting contact with a destination 
Far inside of me sling shot across the sky 
A million light years to the other side reality's 
A distant hazy dream exiting the atmosphere 
Of my mind body and chemistry my body separates itself from me 
Approaching our destination heart and mind have reached ascension 
No response to signal sent 
We are unable to respond to the remaining threat crews incapacitated 
Vital signs have clearly stated something's gone wrong 
With the ship collision course is imminent 
Slingshot across the sky a million light years to the other side 
No one could have imagined anything like this ascending 
To another state can't stop and think 
Or hesitate the reality of the situation has reached control.