Sure enough he's gonna get smacked down again He just won’t do, what he's told too He's gonna get cracked, once again The boy’s outta hand, he's always been He won't be good, no matter what's said All in his head, Junior's a mess All in sure enough he's gonna get smacked down again Sure enough he's gonna get smacked down again Well let me tell you Bob my golfswing uh hang on a second Junior, off the shed, off the d___ sh get off the shed Junior get off the g______ shed! Off the shed Sorry, anyway you like uh mustard on your hamburger? Sure enough he's gonna get smacked down again At the playground, up to no good Just don’t give a rats, breaking plants The boy’s outta fun, in the court of sun He just don't get, allong with Paula’s kids All in his head, Junior's a mess All in his head, Junior's a mess All in his head, Junior's a mess All in his sure enough he’s going to get smacked down again bullseye