O pilgrim come, here is the cross Your pardon and your peace Collapse upon the grace of God Whose mercy is complete O pilgrim come, here is the cross O pilgrim come, here is the cross Cast all your pride away And earthly treasures count as loss In light of all you gain O pilgrim come, here is the cross Here is mercy Come be crucified with Christ Here is mercy Come be raised with Him to life O pilgrim come, here is the cross God's judgment on your sin Drink deep the shame that leads to life And broken enter in O pilgrim come, here is the cross O pilgrim come, here is the cross O pilgrim come, here is the cross And here your boast should be What I could never do myself My God has done for me O pilgrim come, here is the cross O pilgrim come, here is the cross No other path attend O here begin your journeying And here your journey end O pilgrim come, here is the cross O pilgrim come, here is the cross