Walking off the stage to the gates and off the page I'd be shot out of breath, out of everything Come back Oscar, don't stay at home. Come back Oscar, to the microphone. Speed freak, sexy beast, latin lover, crazy mother where you been. You with the wide mouth, white teeth, dark hair, dark eyes and no scene Smooth tougned, sun dipped, full lipped broken brother where'd you go There's a hole in my summer 'cause she went and stole your show. Come back Oscar, don't stay at home. Come back Oscar, to the microphone. Runaway from Pinochet, Santiago cabbie where you at. We've been waiting Oscarito, mi compadre, when you snapping back. You put out Armando's fire turned around and left it on the shelf. Now the embers are all ashes, you've been burned by something else. Come back Oscar, don't stay at home. Come back Oscar, to the microphone. Come back Oscar, this is your home. Walking off the stage to the gates and off the page I'd be shot out of breath, out of everything Out of everything you left Everything you left Out of everything you left Everything you left Come back Oscar, don't stay at home. Come back Oscar, to the microphone. Come back Oscar, don't stay at home. Come back Oscar, to the microphone. Come back Oscar, this is your home.