Censored waves distort my ears Limiting the general population Gripping the mind molding the view Experimental machinery Offspring detail closeminded failure Sibling mind rot intensify Regulated tax invaded not created To serve the man Take away my dignity Suppress me in society Aggravate my intellect Suffocate my self respect I'm drowning in your f**king politics Confiscate my right to say Repercussions limiting Expressions is now forced between Oppression and lack of dignity Dishonesty corrupts the truth Morality poisons the roots American life dissolves For liberty and justice for all Labelling all forms of life America is categorized People are left behind Nothing to visualize Desolation reigns inside of What was once my brain Labelling expression keeps The population lame Forced behind a limit freedom Slowly drifts away Life it seems with everything Was meant to be free You disgrace yourself Beyond a reasonable doubt How can you call yourself A breathing human being You turn my words around And bend the truth beyond You feel you can control me