I think we would better tactfully put 
An end to the evening now, a 
Little kicking 
Over the traces goes 
A long way at this age. 
And we were both bundled 
Up in nice tweeds and flannels. 

What she needed she couldn't have. 
For all I knew she was stone-deaf. 

I said 'front page,' 
She heard 'teenage,' 
So I tried 'read' 
But she heard 'sweet.' 

I think we would better tactfully put 
An end to the evening now, a 
Little kicking 
Over the traces goes 
A long way at this age. 
And we were both bundled 
Up in nice tweeds and flannels. 

What she needed she couldn't have. 
For all I knew she was stone-deaf. 

'there's a bag of 
Sweets floating 
Around somewhere, let 
Me see, I really 
Had it with me 
When I visited 
The grand prix.'