All the resumes were splendid But she's the one they recommended For the job but starting late in life Means she can't celebrate She hasn't time or energy To spend on friends and family She's got some catching up to do And precious hours are few Oh the life of a working girl I used to see her all the time She's young at heart but no teenager Early thirties I would wager I came along a little later So I could merely carbon date her Age, she's not keen to It's a trap, I a door In the stage she can go through Until the encore Now she's the one who gives belated Birthday wishes devastated She forgot it on the day But this is not a job that pays her By the hour or she'd be set Before the sun so she forgets These things like light upon her face Who'll spring her from this place Oh the life of a working girl I used to see her all the time Oh the life of a working girl I used to see her all the time Now someone's had a few successes Who, I'll give you twenty guesses Take some credit just admit it Everybody knows you did it It's not that I'm not happy for her But it's not easy to adore her From afar does she get lonely Like I do if I could only see her all the time See her all the time Oh the life of a working girl I used to see her all the time Oh the life of a working girl I used to see her all the time