I speak to the earth, I speak for those who don’t have a 
say. The rule of heaven on earth. Even the stones, they 
will cry out. I am the light in the darkness. I’ll turn 
your cities to salt. With fire I’ll speak the word of the 
Lord. I’ll carry the torch of revival, and it burns. I 
speak the life to your destiny. I speak the word as a 
child of the king that we keep our vision set on the Lord 
and His virtues. My soul – Praise the Lord. All the 
earth, we have been called to be prophets and priests, so 
we speak with tongues of fire – destiny. Spirit of truth, 
spirit of light, will you come to me? Your holy presence 
on earth to testify of the Father. Real recognize real. 
Prophetic declaration. Do you see how we feel? Revival 
fire will fall – we all burn. I carry the torch of 
revival to the earth.