a virus is a friendless sign that nothing can be swayed a virus can deter the climb the body temp evades in order to deny this state of timeless here to stay the doctor is the occupant and the victims in the grave ... in order to insure the cure we kill the host cook the toast carefully the climb what a time left to decline GET UP GET ON THE ROOF GET UP GET UP GET UP GET ON WITH IT PICK UP PICK ON THE TRUTH PICK UP PICK UP PICK UP PICK UP ON IT light of days goes by by go bye bye go buy slippery the unwashed hands slithering away the virus has become the mind now kill the host invade in it find the first of last useful hints to fast to freeze cooking up the atmosphere to listen in a see why are we shooting out our only remedy stabbing at the center while tearing up the trees why do we need to mutter anything fighting inner demons from a vision faded screen