Wide was the road - destination for a hope
Straight was the road - source for a disbelief
Light was the road - enough not to proceed
Destination will be unclear
For the journey I will not be known
It will not be all pleasant
Years on the road
Enough to prove wrong
I could stop or turn back
But I will not
The end may be close
Still distant the goal
Am I past the ordeal
Have I lost a soul
On it goes
For me is the road
Time will cease to matter
Past will mean nothing
Destiantion will remain unclear
So bright one will be blind
I do not see the end
I see the road
Years on the road
Enough to prove wrong
I could stop or turn back
But I will not
The end may be close
Still distant the goal am I past the ordeal
Have I lost a soul
On it goes
For me is the road
Wide is the road - destination for a hope
Straight is the road - source for a disbelief
Light is the road - enough not to proceed
Destination will stay unclear
For the journey I will not be known