Trying to forget about the thought of moving on but I'll try and i kept waiting trying to move on without you feels so wrong but i'll try and i'll keep waiting for you I know it's only been in the back of your mind since we said goodbye but i swear it's been so long yesterday's so far behind I can't decide what to dream tonight it makes me so afraid that it won't come true so let me lay here and waste the day with you can we start all over again would it be easier until then Trying to forget about the thought of moving on but i'll try and i kept waiting trying to move on without you feels so wrong but i'll try and i'll keep waiting for you You say it's only been in the back of my mind since you said goodbye but i know it's been so long i thought yesterday could maybe be that day that you finally call my name like you used to do like i know you will oh just don't be afraid for you to never mind those days can we start all over again would it be easier until then Trying to forget about the thought of moving on but i'll try and i kept waiting trying to move on without you feels so wrong but i'll try and i'll keep waiting for you Even though you walked away everything about you makes me smile even though it's been awhile know that i'll be there Trying to forget about the thought of moving on but i'll try and i kept waiting trying to move on without you feels so wrong but i'll try and i'll keep waiting for you