With storm and wind, and cast ashore
our ship is smashed, our keel no more
for many days, of toil and rest
erect our keel on Kjalarnes

For days we sailed, then settled in
and found the home of Skraeling men
this place I wished to live my life
is now my tomb, to rest and die

At Krossanes, where my spirit dies
you raise the sign, the sign of foreign lies
my father'S faith, his blood in mine
the northern light, forever shines again

My life is spent, my doom revealed
the arrow'S flight, that pierced my shield
that cursed point, that took my life
will send me far, to Odin's side

Will my kin return, to bring me home
or will I stay, on barren shores
that cursed cross, wheighs on my soul
my people's fate, my people's heart

At Krossanes, where my spirit dies
you raise the sign, the sign of foreign lies
my father's faith, his blood in mine
the northern light, forever shines again

A great swarm of skin-boats was then heading towards them down the fjord... The Skraelings shot at them for a while, and then turned and fled as fast as they could. Thorvald asked his men if any of them were wounded; they all replied that they were unhurt. 'I have a wound in the armpit,' said Thorvald. -'An arrow flew up between the gunwale and my shield, under my arm - here it is. This will lead to my death.
'I advise you now to go back as soon as you can. But first I want you to take me to the headland I thought so suitable for a home, I seem to have hit on the truth when I said that I would settle there for a while. Bury me there and put crosses at my head and feet, and let the place be called Krossanes for ever afterwards.'
- Greenlander's Saga