Tired of all this crawling around Realising the joke was on us Reaching out to the obvious Starting with an answer not a question Our most acceptable businesses All aligned in just one direction Organised on the same lines With one face - one side We got all lined up We got all lined up We got all lined up All lined up All lined up Back at the all night party We're getting clearer all the time Refined to one shape - frozen like crystal It has the symmetry of perfect design One line leads to another They cross at the corners run straight at the sides It reads the same way in any direction Two red circles and a thick black spine We got all lined up We got all lined up We got all lined up All lined up All lined up Let it fall into place we could tie it to a tree We could point it at you we could make it a habit We could leave it outside or we could give it our food Understand it or we could ignore it Holding all our past in the one hand We showed those people in a way they understand Shiny little eyes on a big red bus The ones we point at work for us One sharp point between distinction Going this way for X amount of time Frame - line - and convergence From the first to the final This intention is mine We got all lined up We got all lined up We got all lined up All lined up All lined up