she says ‘this species doesn’t know itself, it stamps around like an arrogant child, tiny, lonely and rarely humble in our miniscule perspective, swilling in a self assured perception, much of which is flawed, and most of which could be improved on, amazingly we’re still hoping, amazingly we’re still hoping. and underneath we’re writhing, as hopeless fights with dreaming, as pointless tackles vision, as focus dilutes screaming the men are still all squabbling, like hyenas on a carcass, while science cries a blind spot, they still shit in every corner, drunk on definition, of stagnant lack of vision, responsibility avoided, justified by faulty reason, made up while on the playground and lollypop rewarded like a tv cowboy coup, and underneath..... amazingly we’re still hoping for various and sundry, suprisingly still faithful, displayed collective longing for peaceful and fulfillment, for practical and useful, collective loving kindness, the paths and how to get there, existential beyond messianic where everyone's a profit and ignorance is cured and underneath....