at the least likely timeon my way to my least favorite place just stopped to fuckin' look around thought i could stay there all day the brick was so red, the leaves were so brown this wasn't the first time my life was so clear and nothing else mattered i was so happy being alone now i can see that my life's complete it's a feeling you get at times like these i wish i could tell you exactly but no i can't explain it's something i can't explain how's everything so peaceful right now when the world's such a fucked up place well you oughtta know what it's like to feel like this just once so open your eyes and shut your big mouth you'll let it slip by again time's not on your side it's this moment that you must devour now i can see that my life's complete it's a feeling you get at times like these how will you see if you never stop to look around, to look around here we go now