The city was Jerusalem And the time was long ago The people called Him Jesus And the crime was the love He showed And I'm the one to blame I cause all the pain He gave Himself the day He wore my crown He brought me love That only He could give I brought Him cause to cry And though He taught me how to love I taught Him how to die And I'm the one to blame I caused all the pain He gave Himself The day he wore my crown He could have called His Holy Father And said take me away Please take me away He could have said I'm not guilty Al'm not gonna stay I'm not gonna pay But He walked right through the gate And then on up the hill And as He fell beneath the weight He cried: "Father not my will" And I'm the one to blame I caused all the pain He gave Himself The day he wore my crown And I'm the one to blame I caused all His pain He gave Himself The day He wore my crown I remember while we were still living in New Mexico I was in the church choir and we sang this during our Easter special concert. It was very, very hard to sing without crying. Very, very moving.