I've seen some glorious days
Where I flew so much higher
Much higher than I ever thought I would
And soaring through the air I would declare

Well, isn't God, isn't He good?

'Cause He was and He is
And He always will be
But in the in between
It's hard for me to see

In the in between
Where every day life happens
And the fields of green
Belonged to someone else
In the in between
Of what will be and what has been
Jesus is a faithful friend
In the in between

I've been unsure of myself
But even in the dark
I'm pretty sure that all is well and then I see
There in a mirror looking back at me
A work that is not everything that it would be

And He was and He is
And He always will be
Close beside and holdin' on to me

In the in between
Where every day life happens
And the fields of green
Belonged to someone else
In the in between
Of what will be and what has been
Jesus is a faithful friend
In the in between

Grace and mercy know no season
There is no good reason why the best of days
Might not be the days ahead
And in the in between when you have some time to dream Your faith and strength will be restored
By the gracious Lord of the in between

Where every day life happens
And the fields of green
Belonged to someone else
In the in between
Of what will be and what has been
Jesus is a faithful friend
In the in between

Jesus He's a faithful friend, in the in between.