Just arrived on the seven-ten; Thought I'd see the old gang again, But you know how they come and go, I'm just a stranger in town! Everywhere, everyone I see Seems to wonder who can I be, And I swear no-one seems to care About a stranger in town! I saw a cottage on a lonely old street, The weeds have grown round the gate. Somehow I felt that you would wait here my sweet, But it looks like I'm too late! Guess I'll leave on the twelve-o-two, Can't believe that there's no more you! Is there nothing for me, will I always be A stranger in my own home town? Guess I'll leave on the twelve-o-two, Can't believe that there's no more you! Is there nothing for me, will I always be A stranger in my own home town? It hurts to be alone With no-one of your own When you're a stranger in your own home town!