Little boy, six years old Made to do the unthinkable Slave to a pedophile with a sick and evil mind Seven days a week Ten hours a day Forced to be a sex slave Young girl just thirteen Taken by force sold on the street Slave to a crimnal with a sick and evil soul Seven days a week Ten hours a day Forced to be a sex slave Money and pleasure are the root of this evil empire Human life is the worthless vehicle Darkened days destroying mind and soul No regard for God or man No regard for the laws of any land This will not cease to grow To feed the sickest souls Unless we stand against They'll use them up And then like trash dispose Sex slaves (thrown away) Sex slaves Souls in captivity Crying out to you and to me Sex slaves Sex slaves Narration: It is estimated that each year over 24,000 victims are sexually exploited in Chicago alone... shocking! Worldwide, numbers are staggering. We realized that inaction is not an option. Following God's lead, we are taking action... ... will you?