This may be Where the Sidewalk Ends far below me are shimmering surfaces water-I need water I've killed everyone here except for my daughter she had sixteen points to make five were heads-the other ten were snakes chasing their tails, bringing her father down what does it say? what does it say? Whether you're better than them? Whether it's a matter of sliding out over? Slave to the limit-goodbye my friends I'm beginning to bond with what I lost sight of safe to crawl across this tin-can-tightrope walk I want to crawl across I want to crawl across this footprint dialogue fog I want to crawl, crawl I don’t think we should all, we should all, we should forget a bit about it mnemonic man, mnemonic man, do you recall when you pushed a little further? we’re just here to burn your cities down caught a lot of love-heard a lot of empty voices got a lot to learn to overcome my motives and then move beyond those ordinary ways we have seen the naked, automated cabaret and we’ve moved, we’ve moved on so move us on… I’ve had enough of idle reverie, I for one can only see what dreams may come for us we’ve had enough of flight and gravity spill me out evolved and screaming: I’m not meaningless Left up to you I’d drown in the desert Left up to you I’d use up forever choking down your plastic water…