I´m the black sheep of this flock, the great misunderstood
In this great maze I am lost, I wonder wihout course

Build your own homemade wings to fly away
It´s hard to take control, (but) you´ll admire the beauty

I´m gonna quit , I´m done - with your falling structures
Cause they´re the real sickness of this world, I´m just a survivor

I´m the result of the inability to adapt - to your tricky rules
Failure stigmatized in me, I´m the scum everyone shuns

Build your own homemade wings to fly away
It´s hard to take control, (but) you´ll admire the beauty

I´m gonna quit , I´m done - with your falling structures
Cause they´re the real sickness of this world, I´m just a survivor

Tired of being crushed under the weight
of greedy men who believe in nothing but wealth and profits
I´m done with all of them

I´m gonna quit, I´m done - with your falling structures
Cause they´re the real sickness of this world, I´m just a survivor